بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
It bothers me, every time I go to the internet whenever I type
‘Muslims’ or ‘Islam’ most of the results will show about the terrorism
and the scary demonstration held by the Muslims which usually giving a
bad image to Islam. It seems that Islam has been associates with these
acts. In fact it is not fair that Islam to be judge by these
individuals. At the same time, we understand some of our brothers are
desperate after being pressed by the certain countries policy and law
which do not do any favour for our Muslims brothers and sisters outside
there. With little choice to voice out their disappointment, could lead
them to the terrorism and demonstration act - which does not portray the
real teaching of Islam.There are many ways of how to keep us together and stronger. Not every Muslims would like to be part of terrorist and demonstration act, since it was not the way to fight the non-believers who try to keep pressing us down.
At this point we need to go back to the book (Holy Al-Quran) what did Allah tells us how to face the Non-Believers. Okay, if at one point where the Non-Believers call for open fight or war, which will be the time every single Muslims answer for that challenge. Join every brothers, stand side by side and fight in the name of Allah. Even there is guidance how to behave during war such as no killing the innocents, children, women, old folks. And stop immediately if the opponents surrender. Verily, Allah hates transgressors. So when the enemy put up the white flag, stop immediately. And how do we treat the war prisoners? Allah tells us to feed them and do not hurt any of them. Spread the message of Islam and if they still against, kick them out of the country and tell them do not come back. Simple. We give them only two option; Accept Islam or pay Jizya. This is how we fight. Islam is all about mercy and peace.
So lets get back to the topic, how to fight the Non-Believers when they don’t call for a war? There are many verses in Quran tell us how to deal with the non-believers, such as the ayat from Surah Al-Qalam (Chapter 68) verse 44-45:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Then leave Me Alone with such as belie this Quran. We shall
punish them gradually from directions they perceive not. And I will
grant them a respite. Verily, My Plan is strong. (Al-Quran Surah Al-Qalam, Verse 44-45)
Referring to the verses mentioned above, Allah tell us to let them (the non-believers), and leave that matter to Allah.
So what else we got to do? This is the hardest part, because as human we cannot always be patience. Once we follow our anger and emotion then that is when we fall into the trap of Non-Believers. We feel bad if we don’t respond. We must respond but the question is how do we respond? Kill them? Held big demonstration and make noise? No, that is not how we should respond. First, to respond we have to be patience, and Allah loves those who are patience. How to keep ourselves from being angry and losing our patience? The only way is by remembering Allah.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.(Surah Adh-Dhariyat, Chapter 51 Verse 56)
The reason Allah create Jinn and Mankind is to worship Him. So at anytime, bad or good pray to Allah and He will lead us to the truth, Insya Allah.
The conclusion is, the Non-Believers will not fear us when we angry, but the will fear those who remained calm when they should have been angry. They will fear this.

At the same time we will be able to open up their mind, to see the truth. If every single Muslims can commit to this act (solat Jemaah) the Non-Believers will start to think, ‘what they got in their mind?’ And when they start to questioned that to themselves, they will be moving closer to find the true teaching of Islam and the beauty of it.
Not to forget, that Da’wah is one of our main responsibilities. And Da’wah are not only limited to speech. Da’wah doesn’t stop there. It also can be in the form of action. By reflecting the true image of Islam in our behaviour is also another method of Da’wah.
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